Saturday, May 17, 2014

The Circus is Coming to Town...

All aboard!

I was thrilled last week to be able to send off a special package to my first long-distance customer; a friend from Tennessee whose adorable son is turning one picked a circus train themed party and asked me to design the invitations!  And so I got to spend my time sketching cute animals and tiny cabooses in bright colors-- pure fun. 

I used colored pencils and felt-tipped markers on rough paper and matted the final prints on blue card-stock.  Using stripy twine to secure the package adds a little extra carnival flavor...
Come one, come all!

Clarence the Clown

Giraffes were a must.

Ten little monkeys jumping on a train...

AND... the little red caboose!


  1. You are sooooo talented Anna! Praying God will use this as a great blessing to you guys financially!! One question for clarification - did you scan and then print off in color? Otherwise how did you make the copies? Amazing lady!! Love Maaike

  2. Sorry, Maaike, didn't see this! I scanned them on a mid-quality scanner (a higher quality picks up eraser marks!) and printed them on the best color printer I could find.
